Becoming a member or purchasing merchandise helps support the VHC’s cause. Every penny goes to righting the wrongs of hemp prohibition and educational efforts to shine the light on one of the most beneficial plants on Mother Earth. We have accomplished much over the years, but there is still much to do in the name of justice. The VHC won’t let up until Hemp is given the full respect it is due and there is no longer an erroneous stigma associated.
Please join our mission!
Business Memberships
As a new gold top tier business member, you will be gifted TWO each of both our VHC branded hemp-blend shirts and hats, as well as a gold tier promotional spot on our business members page. We will feature your business in shoutouts on our social media channels, as well as in our emails.
Other perks include free entrance to select VHC events, and an invite to join our private Facebook* online communities where you will receive the latest hemp industry news and updates, and networking opportunities.
Membership renews annually. To purchase a gold business membership, click here.
As a new silver tier business member, you will be gifted a VHC branded hemp-blend shirt, hat, and additional hemp merch, as well as a silver tier promotional spot on our business members page. We will feature your business in shoutouts on our social media channels, as well as in our emails.
Other perks include free entrance to select VHC events, and an invite to join our private Facebook* online communities where you will receive the latest hemp industry news and updates, and networking opportunities.
Membership renews annually. To purchase a silver business membership, click here.
As a new bronze tier business member, you will be gifted a VHC branded hemp-blend shirt, hat, and additional hemp merch, as well as a bronze tier promotional spot on our business members page. We will feature your business in shoutouts on our social media channels, as well as in our emails.
Other perks include free entrance to select VHC events, and an invite to join our private Facebook* online communities where you will receive the latest hemp industry news and updates, and networking opportunities.
Membership renews annually. To purchase a bronze business membership, click here.
*In order to join our private Facebook group, please click this link.
Please allow 2-4 weeks for VHC merchandise S&H.
Personal Memberships
As a new premium member of the Virginia Hemp Coalition, you will be gifted TWO each of both our VHC branded hemp-blend shirts and hats, alongside additional hemp merch.
Other perks include free entrance to select VHC events, and an invite to join our private Facebook* online communities where you will receive the latest hemp industry news and updates, and networking opportunities.
To purchase a harvest membership, click here.
As a new field member of the Virginia Hemp Coalition, you will be gifted TWO each of both our VHC branded hemp-blend shirts and hats, alongside additional hemp merch.
Other perks include free entrance to select VHC events, and an invite to join our private Facebook* online communities where you will receive the latest hemp industry news and updates, and networking opportunities.
Membership renews annually. To purchase a field membership, click here.
As a new fiber member of the Virginia Hemp Coalition, you will be gifted a VHC branded hemp-blend shirt, hat, and additional hemp merch.
Other perks include free entrance to select VHC events, and an invite to join our private Facebook* online communities where you will receive the latest hemp industry news and updates, and networking opportunities.
Membership renews annually. We are excited to be moving to a new member management software in July 2021! In the meantime, you can purchase a membership by calling Leandra at (757) 354-2413.
Membership renews annually. To purchase a fiber membership, click here.
As a new flower member of the Virginia Hemp Coalition, you will be gifted a VHC branded hemp-blend shirt, hat, and sticker.
Other perks include free entrance to select VHC events, and an invite to join our private Facebook* online communities where you will receive the latest hemp industry news and updates, and networking opportunities.
Membership renews annually. To purchase a flower membership, click here.
As a new leaf member of the Virginia Hemp Coalition, you will be gifted a VHC branded hemp-blend shirt, hat, and sticker.
Other perks include free entrance to select VHC events, and an invite to join our private Facebook* online communities where you will receive the latest hemp industry news and updates, and networking opportunities.
Membership renews annually. To purchase a leaf membership, click here.
As a new sprout member of the Virginia Hemp Coalition, you will be gifted your choice of a VHC branded hemp-blend T-shirt, bag, or hat.
Other perks include free entrance to select VHC events, and an invite to join our private Facebook* online communities where you will receive the latest hemp industry news and updates, and networking opportunities.
Membership renews annually. To purchase a sprout membership, click here.
As a new seed member of the Virginia Hemp Coalition, you will receive free entrance to select VHC events, and an invite to join our private Facebook* online communities where you will receive the latest hemp industry news and updates, and networking opportunities.
Membership renews annually. To purchase a seed membership, click here.
*In order to join our private Facebook group, please click this link.
Please allow 2-4 weeks for VHC merchandise S&H.
Your contribution will go towards…
We strive for the development of educational information and strategies for the Industrial Hemp market in Virginia. Your donation will help fund trips and lobbying to State (Richmond) and Federal (Washington DC) representatives.
Your donation will help cover the printing costs for educational and informational lobbying packets and brochures for Virginia General Assembly and US Capitol advocacy visits. You will also help cover website development costs.
We aim to promote the expansion of Industrial Hemp Farming to rural Virginia through developing VHC outreach to farmers. Your donation will help us fund table fees at various events expos and conferences throughout the State of Virginia and the United States.